From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms

Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Bo Lin, and Michael Gorbovitski

This paper describes a very high-level language for clear description of distributed algorithms and optimizations necessary for generating efficient implementations. The language supports high-level control flows where complex synchronization conditions can be expressed using high-level queries, especially logic quantifications, over message history sequences. Unfortunately, these programs would be extremely inefficient, including consuming unbounded memory, if executed straightforwardly.

We present new optimizations that automatically transform complex synchronization conditions into incremental updates of necessary auxiliary values as messages are sent and received. The core of the optimizations is the first general method for efficient implementation of logic quantifications. We have developed an operational semantics of the language, implemented a prototype of the compiler and the optimizations, and successfully used the language and implementation on a variety of important distributed algorithms.