\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{epsf,graphicx,times,vmargin} \begin{document} %% INSTRUCTIONS: %% %% Replace ``STUDENTNAME'' with your name. %% Replace ``EXAMDATE'' with the date of the exam. %% Replace each ``COMMITTEEMEMBER#'' with the corresponding name %% of the RPE committee member. %% %% REMEMBER: COMMITTEEMEMBER1 is always the Chair! %% %% Then run %% latex rpe-form.tex %% dvips -t letter -o rpe-form.ps rpe-form.dvi %% %% Then print the file rpe-form.ps single sided. Give the first page to the %% chair. Every page after the first has the name of a committee member %% specified at the top of the page -- give each page to the appropriate %% committee member. \newcommand{\studentname}{STUDENTNAME} \newcommand{\examDate}{EXAMDATE} \newcommand{\memberOneName}{COMMITTEEMEMBER1} %% (Committee Chair) \newcommand{\memberTwoName}{COMMITTEEMEMBER2} \newcommand{\memberThreeName}{COMMITTEEMEMBER3} %% If 4 committee members, insert the 4th name between the { } below %% Otherwise -- do not touch this command \newcommand{\memberFourName}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DO NOT TOUCH BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % margins and paper size \setpapersize{USletter} % \setmarginsrb{leftmargin}{topmargin}{rightmargin}{bottommargin}% % {headheight}{headsep}{footheight}{footskip} \setmarginsrb{25mm}{25mm}{25mm}{15mm}{0mm}{0mm}{10mm}{10mm} \newcommand{\memberOne}{Professor~ \memberOneName} %% (Committee Chair) \newcommand{\memberTwo}{Professor~ \memberTwoName} \newcommand{\memberThree}{Professor~ \memberThreeName} \newcommand{\memberFour}{Professor~ \memberFourName} \newcommand{\emptystring}{} \begin{center} \LARGE\bf Research Proficiency Examination\\ Overall Evaluation Form\footnote{ Each committee member evaluates the examination independently on the attached forms. } \end{center} %% \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Date:} ~~ \examDate \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Student}: ~~ \studentname \vspace{1.5cm} \begin{tabbing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \= XX \kill {\large\bf RPE Committee} \> {\bf Signature} \\\\ ~~\memberOne \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \\ \\ ~~\memberTwo \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \\ \\ ~~\memberThree \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \ifx \memberFourName \emptystring \relax \else \\ \\ ~~\memberFour \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \fi \end{tabbing} \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\bf Committee Chair:} ~~ \memberOne \vspace{2cm} \noindent {\large\bf Committee evaluation:} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ {\bf Pass} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ {\bf Retake} ~~~~~~~~~~~ {\bf Fail} ~~~~~~~~~~~~(circle one) \vspace{1.5cm} \noindent Additional General Committee Comments (optional): \noindent \begin{tabular}{p{\linewidth}} \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage %% \begin{center} \Large\bf RPE Evaluation Worksheet by\\ \memberOne \end{center} %% \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Student}: \studentname \vspace{1cm} \begin{tabbing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \= XXXXXXXXX \= XX \kill Oral Presentation: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ RPE Report: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ Responses to questions: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \end{tabbing} \vspace{1cm} \noindent Explanations: \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} XXXX\=XXXX\kill 5 ~~- \> Excellent (pass)\\ 4 ~~- \> Good (pass)\\ 3 ~~- \> Fair (conditional pass: must resubmit the report, talk slides,\\ \> or another condition)\\ 2 ~~- \> Unsatisfactory (can still retake)\\ 1 ~~- \> Fail (no retake) \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \vspace{2cm} \noindent Additional Comments (optional): \noindent \begin{tabular}{p{\linewidth}} \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage %% \begin{center} \Large\bf RPE Evaluation Worksheet by \\ \memberTwo \end{center} %% \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Student}: \studentname \vspace{1cm} \begin{tabbing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \= XXXXXXXXX \= XX \kill Oral Presentation: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ RPE Report: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ Responses to questions: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \end{tabbing} \vspace{1cm} \noindent Explanations: \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} XXXX\=XXXX\kill 5 ~~- \> Excellent (pass)\\ 4 ~~- \> Good (pass)\\ 3 ~~- \> Fair (conditional pass: must resubmit the report, talk slides,\\ \> or another condition)\\ 2 ~~- \> Unsatisfactory (can still retake)\\ 1 ~~- \> Fail (no retake) \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \vspace{2cm} \noindent Additional Comments (optional): \noindent \begin{tabular}{p{\linewidth}} \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage %% \begin{center} \Large\bf RPE Evaluation Worksheet by \\ \memberThree \end{center} %% \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Student}: \studentname \vspace{1cm} \begin{tabbing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \= XXXXXXXXX \= XX \kill Oral Presentation: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ RPE Report: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ Responses to questions: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \end{tabbing} \vspace{1cm} \noindent Explanations: \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} XXXX\=XXXX\kill 5 ~~- \> Excellent (pass)\\ 4 ~~- \> Good (pass)\\ 3 ~~- \> Fair (conditional pass: must resubmit the report, talk slides,\\ \> or another condition)\\ 2 ~~- \> Unsatisfactory (can still retake)\\ 1 ~~- \> Fail (no retake) \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \vspace{2cm} \noindent Additional Comments (optional): \noindent \begin{tabular}{p{\linewidth}} \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \ifx \memberFourName \emptystring \relax \else \newpage %% \begin{center} \Large\bf RPE Evaluation Worksheet by \\ \memberFour \end{center} %% \vspace{1cm} \noindent {\large\bf Student}: \studentname \vspace{1cm} \begin{tabbing} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \= XXXXXXXXX \= XX \kill Oral Presentation: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ RPE Report: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \\ \\ Responses to questions: \> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \> (1-5) \end{tabbing} \vspace{1cm} \noindent Explanations: \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} XXXX\=XXXX\kill 5 ~~- \> Excellent (pass)\\ 4 ~~- \> Good (pass)\\ 3 ~~- \> Fair (conditional pass: must resubmit the report, talk slides,\\ \> or another condition)\\ 2 ~~- \> Unsatisfactory (can still retake)\\ 1 ~~- \> Fail (no retake) \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \vspace{2cm} \noindent Additional Comments (optional): \noindent \begin{tabular}{p{\linewidth}} \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \fi \end{document}