Room 120 (105 Seats)
Event Description

With one of the most extensive global networks in the telecommunications industry, AT&T faces unique maintenance and security challenges. In this talk Richard Huber, Director of Network Security at AT&T will give an overview of the network security and practices utilized by AT&T to protect their customers and infrastructure.

Richard Huber, Director of Network Security Group in AT&T's Chief Security Office, is an alum who graduated in '75 with a PhD in computer science. He has been working for AT&T for 40 years.
Huber started at Bell Labs and stayed in R&D as the company split and rejoined. For the last 15 years or so, he has been involved in network security for the packet network services division.

Hosted By
Min Um-Mandhyan
Event Title
CSE 600: Richard Huber, AT&T - 'Network Security In Practice'