Student Resources

  • Student Organizations
  • Computer Science Policies
  • Start of Semester Information  - This document tells you on how Systems Staff can support you and where to go for help.
  • Co-Ops for International Graduate CS Students - Year-round Internships and Co-Ops for International Graduate CS Students
  • FAQ for Research Assistants - FAQ for Research Assistants
  • Technical FAQs - Users with IT Infrastructure, Internet Access, Email related issues should first try to resolve their problems with the man pages provided with the operating system and/or must check the Technical FAQ for answers.
  • Computer Labs - Lists teaching and practice labs
  • Request Tracker (RT) -  Web based reporting tool for submitting a problem ticket to resolve IT infrastructure related issues. Send email to RT AT CS DOT STONYBROOK DOT EDU to submit your issues and RT will acknowledge your message, automatically routing it to the appropriate system staff. There are extra RT aliases such as rt-web, rt-database, rt-windows, rt-printing, rt-mac, rt-email, rt-unix, rt-cvc, and rt-network. Using these aliases (e.g.RT-EMAIL AT CS DOT STONYBROOK DOT EDU), tickets get automatically assigned to the right queue and person, which could speed up their resolution.


If the network is down or you have issues using RT, you can call the STAFF hotline at 2-2772 (on campus) or 631-632-2772 (off campus)

NOTE: For all CEWIT issues, send email directly to Bin Zhang at CEWIT.