Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library, 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA
Event Description


Google has planned several campus events this week for CS students to help them win coveted careers at Google. Each event is geared toward a specific audience, i.e., PhD students, undergrads who are graduating, and those seeking internships. Mark your calendars and register for any of the following:


Tuesday, February 19

7:30p-9:00p; SAC 306

PhD Presentation & Keynote Reception - Some of our finest PhD students have moved on to careers at Google. They come back for visits and tell us stories about the variety of projects they are working on. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more. 

Wednesday, February 20

4:30p-5:30p; Wang Center Theatre

Technical Interview Prep - Lean the tricks of the technical interview! Google software engineers will reveal secrets of the process and offer awesome tips. 

Thursday, February 21

11a-12n; Career Center Office

Coffee & Resume Review Pop-Up - Are you submitting applications for internships and full-time opportunities this semester? Learn how to maximize your chances of landing a job with Google. Bring copies of your most currect resume for review. 


Event Title
SBU Hacks Day 2