Room 120, New CS Building
Event Description

<p>Alumni Wolfstock Event Presenter: Assistant Professor, Nick Nikiforakis With our increasing reliance on the web, scammers are coming up with an ever-growing list of tricks to part users from their money and data. In this talk, Nick Nikiforakis, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, will give an overview of our work at Stony Brook aimed at understanding how scammers find victims online and their techniques for defrauding their victims. We will provide details about tech support scams, work-from-home "opportunities," and how a simple mistype in your browser's address bar can ruin your day. We will also offer advice as to how to avoid being the next victim of a scammer and what can be done, from a technical and user-education point of view, to protect users and deter scammers. For more info and to register, visit: https://calendar.stonybrook.edu/site/alumni/event/wolfstock-engineering-computer-science-lecture/</p>

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Event Title
Why Hack When You Can Scam?