Celebrating the Success of Women PhD Students in Computer Science


Stony Brook Computer Science Department’s Women PhD (WPhD) group celebrated the graduation of their members in two events over the summer.

The first event was to celebrate successful PhD defenses of Boyu Wang and Shachee Mishra.

WPhD celebrated their success with an outdoor get-together in Professor Aruna Balasubramanian’s backyard. After graduation, Boyu is heading to Google Research and Shachee to IBM Research. Shachee has been the chair of the WPhD club and the Department of Computer Science is grateful for her service to the department and contributions to the club.

The second event was to celebrate the successful defenses of another group -- Alisa Yurovsky, Shinyoung Cho, and Sohee Kim.

WPhD celebrated the graduates and also welcomed new students with an outdoor lunch gathering at the department’s patio at beginning of the fall semester. Alisa is the recipient of a CI Fellowship and is continuing her Postdoctoral research in Computational Biology at Stony Brook. Shinyoung is starting as an Assistant Professor at Smith College. Sohee is currently the Vice President of Intelibs Inc at Stony Brook. Alisa previously served as the Vice President of the WPhD club and we thank her for her service. 

The Department of Computer Science is committed to expanding participation of women and other under-represented groups in Computer Science. Learn more about our strategic plan here.