SBU-Store Byte Unsigned Heads to Programming Competition


Professor Rezaul Chowdhury with SBU programming team membersSBU’s top competitive programming team, SBU-Store Byte Unsigned, will be joining teams from Yale, NYU, Rutgers, and Princeton to represent the Greater New York Region in the ICPC North American Championship (NAC).

The ICPC North American Championship (NAC) is a competitive programming contest hosted by the University of Central Florida. Each competing team will work through a set of problems in algorithmic programming. The team that answers the most questions in the allotted time will move forward to the ICPC World Finals in Egypt.

Last month, SBU-Store Byte Unsigned participated in the Greater New York Regional Contest with 76 other teams. In the end, only five teams were selected to compete from the New York region.

Faculty advisor of the SBU Competitive Program Club (CompProg), Rezaul A. Chowdhury, acknowledged the hard work of club president Tanzir Pail, along with Yimin Zhu and Shawn Matthew in their “selflessly dedicated their valuable time to make sure that our contestants received useful training and practice.”

The Department of Computer Science wishes team members Heorhii Ivanchyk, Greg Zborovsky, and Kenny Zhang of Store Byte Unsigned, the best of luck on May 29th in Orlando, FL. -Kimberly Xiao