Remotely Accessing TS01 and TS02 Using Windows



  1. From your web browser, navigate to
  2. When the website loads, you will be brought to a page that will ask you for your credentials. For Domain\user name enter CS\YourUsername, replacing YourUsername with your Computer Science username. For Password, enter the password associated with your Computer Science username.

  3. After logging in, you will be directed to the Web Access home page where you can select between TS01 or TS02.

  4. Once you select either TS01 or TS02 you will be prompted as shown below. Select “Save” and then select “Open”

  5. Now a remote desktop connection application will appear as shown below. Select “Connect” and type in your CS credentials. CS\YourUsername, replacing YourUsername with your Computer Science username. For Password, enter the password associated with your Computer Science username.

  6. You should now be able to access the TS01 or TS02 desktop. In order to safely end your connection with the server please be sure to use the “Sign out” option. 



For detailed information about Remote Desktop Webaccess please click the following link: