Owen Rambow
Owen Rambow
Professor, Linguistics

Department of Linguistics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794

owen.rambow [at] stonybrook.edu
Owen is interested in morphology, syntax (mainly), and semantics. He is interested in linguistic analyses, in formalisms that can be used to describe them, and in processing models.

Owen received a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania, and he has worked at AT&T Labs — Research, 15 years at Columbia University as a research scientist, and three years at Elemental Cognition LLC, a startup aiming to develop software for deep language understanding. At Columbia, he was part of the Center for Computational Learning Systems. He was co-founder of CADIM, a research group on Arabic natural language processing (NLP), which is licensing state-of-the-art robust NLP tools.


Owen Rambow's research focuses on natural language processing and computational linguistics. Specific interests include both the “nuts and bolts” of language, such as morphology and syntax, and how language is actually used in context.

Teaching Summary
LIN 120