Martin Radfar
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Room 131
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2424
Website (URL)
radfar [at] cs.stonybrook.edu
Machine learning, computational biology, Bio/health, cancer genomics, and signal processing
Martin received his Ph.D. in machine learning and signal processing in 2014 from the University of Toronto in Canada. Before joining the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, Martin was a postdoctoral machine learning fellow working with Prof. Lincoln Stein at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR). Martin's areas of expertise are
- Voice-based human-machine interface and auditory scene analysis.
- Developing fast and large-scale learning and inference methods for Bayesian networks.
- Cancer drug target prediction using large-scale machine learning analysis of genomic data and networks.
- Data Science and natural language processing
Teaching Summary
CSE215, CSE310, CSE391