Five CS Faculty Awarded Seed Grants

Seed grant funding jump starts research.
Seed grant funding jump starts research.

In January 2024 five computer science faculty members were part of several teams that were awarded seed grant funding from Stony Brook University’s Office of the Vice President of Research (OVPR).

The research areas covered by these awards energy consumption, optimizing medical devices, and calcification detection and segmentation

The first project involves three professors in the Department of Computer Science. Niranjan BalasubramanianAruna Balasubramanian, and Anshul Gandhi, were awarded funding for their  project: Significantly Reducing Energy Consumption of Deep Neural Networks

SUNY Empire Innovation Professor David Gu from the Department of Computer Science will be working with Chander Sadasivan, Department of Neurosurgery; Shikui Chen, Department of Mechanical Engineering on the project: Topology Optimization for the Design of Deployable Personalized Medical Devices

Finally, Mina Mahdian, Department of Prosthodontics and Digital Technology, Prateek Prasanna, Department of Biomedical Informatics, and Haibin Ling, Department of Computer Science are working together on the project Automated Characterization of Carotid Artery Calcification in Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Images as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease

Selected by their peers, 21 of 66 proposals were funded for a total of $1M. Seed grants provide faculty with the resources needed to take their ideas to the next level. Learn more about all of the projects that were funded by OVPR here.